You Matter
In this world, we often feel invisible, overlooked, or even used by others. But Scripture tells us that every one of us is made in the image of God. That means we each have infinite value, dignity, and worth—regardless of what others may say.
Your true value isn’t defined by your race, nation of origin, gender, economic status, height, weight, IQ, or anything else.
Scripture gives us a beautiful example of this in the story of Hagar, a woman who felt abandoned and ignored. She called God ‘the one who sees me’ after He met her in her pain and showed her she was not forgotten. Just as He saw Hagar, God sees you. He knows your struggles, your joys, and your infinite worth. You are deeply valuable and worthwhile.
If you’ve ever wondered how much you matter to God, we’d love to journey with you. Join a community that sees you the way He does—as infinitely valuable and deeply loved.
Your Choices Matter
We all feel powerless at times. Some things in life seem unchangeable. Systems and circumstances outside our control can feel overwhelming, leaving us wondering if our efforts even matter. But if we reflect on our past, we see the countless choices that have led us to where we are today. Our choices—good and bad—have shaped our relationships and circumstances.
Those choices mattered. And because of that, we can trust that the choices we make today will shape our tomorrow. God knows this, which is why He invites us to ask Him for wisdom.
Every choice we make sends ripples through our relationships
and communities, shaping the world around us.
and communities, shaping the world around us.
We’re never making choices in isolation because God designed us for connection. We’re created for community. Choose to explore possibilities with us, and let’s discover how God’s wisdom can guide us in making meaningful choices—together.
Your Questions Matter
Often some of our most important questions are met with responses that leave us empty. “Just have more faith.” “The important thing is to keep asking questions.” Even worse, someone takes offense and walks away. Many people claim to value questions, yet they often dismiss the search for meaningful answers.
While many people may avoid tough questions,
God welcomes them.
God welcomes them.
In the book of Isaiah, He invites us by saying, “Come now, let us reason together.” In the New Testament, we find the earliest Christians honestly and earnestly answering countless questions as they shared their faith. Throughout history, faithful followers of Christ have humbly engaged with tough questions, offering thoughtful answers that shaped the church and the world. Because every question matters. God isn’t intimidated by us. Bring your questions—big or small—and let’s explore thoughtful answers together, as a community.
The Truth Matters
What happens when everyone makes up their own truth? Chaos ensues as all those “truths” collide. Yet that’s the world we live in. Countless people say there’s no such thing as truth or that truth can’t be known. People claim to make up their own truth, which is why phrases like “my truth” and “your truth” are so common. Deep down we know that truth exists. We count on truth being real every day—like looking both ways before crossing the street. If “my truth” ignores the reality of an oncoming car, the result can be tragic. Truly. We live in the real world, and our quest for truth is a journey to understand reality.
The truly beautiful thing is that God wants us to know the truth.
His creation is orderly and governed by laws. God gave us curiosity to explore His creation and discover Him. Among His other claims, Jesus Himself claims to be “the truth” in John 14:6. God knows that an honest pursuit of truth leads us to Him. Truth is knowable, and God designed us to discover it—about the world and about Him—together, in community. Bring your questions and join the journey.
More Questions?
We understand that life's journey can be filled with plenty of questions and very few answers.
Send us the questions that you want answered most (nothing is off-limits). We will give you honest, helpful answers, with zero judgment and no strings.
We're here to help you find clarity and direction.
Thank you!